Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I was just thinking about how grateful I am for my friends....

I was just looking at pictures on Facebook and blogs, and I was just thinking about how grateful I am for my friends. I didn't realize when I was younger, how these 4 amazing girls would influence my life 10 years later. I just want to tell them how much they mean to me, and how much they have influenced my life.

Camie - You have always taught me how to be confident in myself. You were such an example to me that I decided to play volleyball because I wanted to do something fun with you. You have taught me not to care what other think of me, but to love life, and to love who I am. Finally, you have taught me how to be a great friend.

Jamie - Your sweet sweet personality has taught me how to love people for who they are. You have taught me how to see the good in people and situations. You have taught me how to laugh, when facing sadness. Finally, you have taught me how to be a good friend.

Jodie - You have taught me how to care and how to love. You have taught me how to see the importance in every individual I see. Seeing the importance in people take a special person....that special person is you. Finally, you have taught me how to be a good friend.

Jenessa - Last but definitely not least. You have always been more "grown up" and "mature" then me. :-) You have taught me how to be able to act "grown up" and look towards the future, but be able to laugh until I cry, and be silly like a child. Your testimony is so sweet and pure, and has touched me. Finally, you have taught me how to be a good friend.

My friends have taught me many more things that I cannot find the words to express. They have all taken their unique personality and made me the person I am today. I know that my life would be so different without them. I didn't realize when I was younger how lucky I was to find 4 amazing friends. I have realized over the past 10+ years how lucky and blessed I am. And the best part is.....Now that we are all married, I know that our relationship, because we have proved them wrong up until now, and I know we will always prove them wrong. I love you girls!


  1. Seriously I am crying right now! This was such a sweet post! Thanks so much for this! I agree so much with ya! We 5 are more then friends, we are truly sisters!!! i love each one of you so much! And also thank you for what you taught me... faith beyond belief!!! You girl, have more faith and strength than anyone I have ever met! I am so grateful for your testimony and strength! I wish I could be as strong as you. You are such a good friend and I love you!

  2. Ali i am fighting back tears too! The friendship we all have is rare and i treasure it so much! Being all together at the temple was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I know the reason we all got there is because of eachother. You have taught me so much about faith. YOu are one of the strongest people i know and such an amazing example to everyone around you. You are beautiful inside and out and i love you so much you will always be our little SONE!!! We proved them wrong!!!

  3. SONe! Way to make me tear up at work!! I love you so much and i am so thankful i have you in my life! I miss seeing eachother every day, we have so many great memories!! You have always been such a good example to me. We need to hang out much much more cause i miss my girls!! Thanks for being you! You are gorgeous inside and out and I love you so much! I'm so glad we are going to be friends forever!

  4. ahh the tears are starting to come and im at work!!I love you so much girl and miss you like crazy thanks for all the nice things you said about me!! And you have taught me so much too girl what would i have done without you in volleyball and just in life in general!! I hope i see you see love ya!! We need to have a Christmas party!!
