Friday, November 12, 2010

Student Teaching????

So i was thinking the other day, and I realized that I only have to go to each of my classes 3 more times this semester!!!! And then I am on to STUDENT TEACHING!!! I just found out that I am teaching at South Davis Jr. High with my favorite mentor teacher that I had this semester! Its is weird to think that I have been in school for about 5 years, and now I only have 1 more semester till I am done! WEIRD!

I hope you all are doing well, and when I am done with finals and actually have time to relax I want to play! I love you all! Good luck with finals! And enjoy your time with your family over the holidays!!!


  1. YAY ali!! You are almost done!!! I wish I was that close to being done! Words can't describe how much i miss you!!! we all need to do something over christmas break while its not so crazy busy!! love ya!!!

  2. LOVE the new blog picture!!! Miss you guys!

  3. Hooray, I just saw your blog on Jessica's. We have one too. Now we can keep in touch when I am far away in Texas. Love You Guys a Bunch! Aunt Dana...
