Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Family Pictures, Surgery, Anniversary, School, Christmas, Happy New Year

Hey everyone! We have had a few exciting moments in our life in the past few months! So I decided to update you on the excitement of the Stephens' Family!

Family Pictures
We had the awesome opportunity to go get Stephens family pictures taken up at Snow Basin. Unfortunately my technological skills are showing and I can't get the pictures to upload. :-( So sorry! Just know that everyone in the Stephens family is beautiful and looks great! I will see if I can eventually get them uploaded! But you do get to see one of the pictures me and Chris! The pictures turned out so well!

This past week I had to have sinus surgery. I didn't really inform a lot of people because I did not think it was going to be a big thing. However, I was informed by my wonderful sis-in-law that even if it is a minor procdure, I need to let the people who love me know about it. :-) Thanks Jessica! So, here ya go.....Everyone made it sound like I would be miserable for a day or two and then it would pass....FALSE! Well, I really was only miserable, EXTREMELY MISERABLE, for about 3 days.....they were the longest 3 days ever! But I made good progress and the dr took the splints in my nose out a day early! Wahoo! So my nose is still bleeding a bit, but I am on the road to recovery! And I hopefully will be 100% by Christmas and our anniversary trip!

Two years ago on the 30th Chris and I were married in the Bountiful Temple! So for this year we are going to the Homestead Resort in Midway. This was one of the places we went on our honeymoon and it was so much fun! We are super excited to go back! And this year we are going on a sleigh ride! How freakin fun is that?! So once again, we will not be in town to celebreate the new year with family in friends, but we will be having a blast up there! And we will see all of you in 2011!

Good news is that we are both progressing successfully through school! Yipee! Chris starts his Fire I & II classes in January! So all of the studying he has done in the classes will pay off! This class is the one where they actually get in the firefighter gear and the class is all hands-on experience!!! So exciting!

As for me, I am student teaching at South Davis Jr. this next semester! I just found out that the unit I will be teaching is Trig. Which wouldn't have been my first choice, but that is probably why I have to teach it! I think this is Heavely Fathers way of having a sense of humor. ha ha. And grades were just posted for this last semester......4.0!!!! Woot! I was probably the busiest I have ever been this past semester (my poor husband had to suffer because of that too) but it has finally paid off!


Happy New Year
Well this year I am actually focusing on making new years resolutions....what are yours???
I am going to: exercise more and eat healthier! I will do my best! ha ha.

I hope you all party like its 1999.....Oh wait, its 2011. :-)

Love you all!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Student Teaching????

So i was thinking the other day, and I realized that I only have to go to each of my classes 3 more times this semester!!!! And then I am on to STUDENT TEACHING!!! I just found out that I am teaching at South Davis Jr. High with my favorite mentor teacher that I had this semester! Its is weird to think that I have been in school for about 5 years, and now I only have 1 more semester till I am done! WEIRD!

I hope you all are doing well, and when I am done with finals and actually have time to relax I want to play! I love you all! Good luck with finals! And enjoy your time with your family over the holidays!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

So we have a new calling you say???.....


Sunday, August 8, 2010

School is starting? What the?!

Can't you tell from our new picture and our new back ground that Chris and I are ready to head back to school?! ha! ya right!.....

We do get one more summer fun adventure! On Friday, we are leaving to Monteray Bay, California!!! Woot! We are headed down there with the sweet awesome Stephens fam to Chris' grandparents beach house! They are the best! I am so excited for a week of no phone, no work, and no responsibility!

Oh, I am not done yet!....We get back from that trip late Friday next week, and THEN....we are heading to an all-day concert down at Thanksgiving Point. (I am not too stoked about this one, but Chris is more excited for that concert then for the beach! So I told him I would go along with him! And we will be joined by my awesome sister-in-law Jenna! (I think she is awesome even if she does stare at me all the time just waiting for me to do something stupid for her enjoyment. :-))

Well, I work pretty much work all week, and I hope my friends read this so we can figure out a time for a POOL PARTY before Friday!!

It is true that Chris and I forgot to take a camera on our honeymoon, which means we took absolutely no pictures. ha ha, oops. But don't you worry everyone, our camera is already packed for this trip!!! Woot!

And thank you discovery channel for have Shark Week the week before we leave. They have now officially 100% freaked out Chris so we will not go in the ocean or rivers. ha ha. :-) He is so paranoid!
I hope you all enjoy your last few weeks of freedom! Be safe, have fun, and remember that I love ya!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So Tomorrow is my Birthday.....

Yep, the day has come, tomorrow I will be 22 years old. Too bad I work all day. :-) Oh well, it will still be a great day because it is my birthday! Thanks to everyone, and the great wonderful presents!

Love you all!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hi Jared....

So I would like to just send a shout out to Chris's older brother Jared. (Not cause he told me to or anything.....) Hey Jared. I'm glad you are my bro-in-law. And I think it is really funny when driving in snow stresses you out. teehee. :-)